Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Interview small

Table of Contents
CLICK to go to In the beginning
Virus, Bacteria, Eukaryote cells, Algae, Amoeba, Sponge

->500M BC
Slime molds, Fungi, Lichens, Land Plant, Tube worm, Oyster

->300M BC
Fish, Starfish, Shark, Amphibian, Moss, Fern, Snail

->50M BC 
Octopus, Insect, Cockroach, Frog, Turtle, Dinosaur, Crab, Spider, Salamander, Grass, Praying Mantis, Bumblebee Bat, Blue whale, Desert Mole rats, Snake

->400T BC
Owl, Dragonfly, Ant, Bee, Flowers, Butterfly, Alligators, Dolphin, Elephant, Beaver, Giraffe, Ostrich, Cheetah, Salmon, Bald eagle, Grizzly bear, Stork, Chimpanzee

Homo Erectus, Bed bug, House dust mite, Firefly, Coral reef, Silkworm, Earthworm, Venus Flytrap, Camel, House-fly, House-cat, House-dog, Chicken, Cow, Horse

Domesticated plants
Rice, Corn, Wheat, Potato, Rubber tree, Maple tree, Garlic, Spider plant, Dandelion, Tobacco, Coca, Poppy, Cacao, Coffee, Mate, Tea, Peyote, Cannabis

Francis of Assis, Johnny Appelseed`s friend, Charles Darwin, Deer tick, 

How do you feel that your father Joe killed you? 
I was asleep so I did not know that I was killed. When I woke up, I found myself back in Heaven. I was in shock having been away for so long. I was very confused for a very long time until Joe himself returned after being executed for having killed me. Since then I have been reviewing my past lives which I will publicly share with all my fellow souls. 

Many of your lives have been as animals and plants. Why? 
Because I wanted to experience the totality of creation and to speed up the evolution of life so that it would evolve to a life form like man. There were a group of souls who wanted to manipulate evolution and were willing to choose low life forms with the hopes of being pioneers. It was thought that souls remaining in heaven would guide the souls who reincarnated into animals to evolve. It was thought that animals with souls would be more prone to being guided than animals without souls. They were right. Animals with souls had an intuition that animals without souls did not have. 

Lives as plants were very meditative, allowing you to watch other life all around you without having to worry about moving and finding food to eat. Lives as animals were very stressful, required you to constantly watch life around you and move to eat and run away from being eaten. Life as pets of humans depended on the humans who fed and protected you. If they loved you, you had it made. If they didn't, then it was not so pleasant. Life as humans depended on where and where you were born and who your mother and father were. I had many very interesting lives as plants, animals, pets, and humans. 

When you have presented your past lives to us, many souls commented that it was difficult for them to differentiate between your humor and your seriousness. They had trouble to differentiate between what was true and what was exaggerated with humor.

Whenever truth suddenly shows her face, whenever hidden truth is revealed, most seem to find that funny. The funny parts of my life that I revealed are all true. They are naked truths.

The call to reincarnation

Whenever some life is about to be born on earth, there is a call in heaven for any souls wanting to reincarnate into that life and experience its experiences. Souls must leave their past lives behind when they reincarnate. Any lingering memory is quickly forgotten in a new forming brain. Once reincarnated, their only contact with heaven is through their intuition. The knowledge of good and bad is available to them. They are free to choose what they believe is right from what they believe is wrong. 

Before they leave for their trip of a lifetime, they are given a farewell party. They are reminded “it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game” and “getting there and staying is more important than leaving”. They are sent off, told to do their best in playing the game of life and to bring back as good a life experience as they can - with lots of knowledge, excitement, pleasure, and rewards to share with all souls in heaven. 

We waited until the energy of our sister universe coalesced to form hydrogen atoms that grouped to form suns that baked the hydrogen atoms into heavier and heavier atoms. The suns spewed out their atoms like smoke to form planets that stayed and circled the sun like mothers and their children do. We found a planet that was not too near and not too far from a sun that was not too small and not too big. We called it “earth”, even though its surface had more water than earth. It had a metal core that rotated and formed a magnetic field that shielded it from the rain and hail of radiation that was constantly battering it. We waited until various types of atoms grouped together to form compounds we called “amino acids” which chained together like a necklace to form compounds we called “proteins”. 

So that proteins could form by themselves without our intervention, we coded their formation into strands of sugar coated bases and acids we called “DNA”. We chose 4 different chemical compounds called “A”, “T”, “C” and “G” and coded them into 4 codes, “AT”, “TA”, “CG” and “GC”. They were like 4 letters used to form 4 words used to form sentences called “genes” to write instructions to form any proteins we wanted and needed to form. And with that we could write the instructions for forming proteins. Our goal and hope was to use proteins as building block to form self-replicating grouping of chemical compounds we called “life”. 

Life and man appears

In the beginning was the word.

I am one of 6,000,000,000 souls evolved from the swirling soup of energies that formed twin universes. While our twin universe was evolving atoms and molecules, we were evolving thoughts and ideas. 

With 4 letters made of molecules called “T”,”A”,”G” and “C”, we formed 4 words called – “TA”, “AT”, “GC” and “CG” and used the words to form sentences used to write the book of life called DNA. 

“T”, “A”, “G” and “C” had unique shapes like teeth of zippers that allowed them to zip and unzip. The sentences we wrote formed instructions which coded how to use the chemicals around it to copy itself. Copying was made by unzipping a molecular zipper into 2 halves and having the “T`s”, “A`s “, “G`s” and “C`s” in the environment join the “A`s”, “T`s”, “C`s” and “G`s” on each of the 2 halves to make 2 new zipped zippers that are identical. This is because only the “A`s” and “T`s”, attract each other to form either “TA`s” or “AT`s” and only the “C`s” and “G`s” attract each other to form either “CG`s” and “GC`s”. 

DNA wound up into a stable helix and unwinding this coil was like reading a book. As the book was read sentence by sentence, complex molecules called proteins were made in the right order and in the right time to be used by the cell to grow, as instructed. 

And at one point in the book, a new chapter would start. At each new chapter the cells would follow different instructions and take on different shapes and functions, from becoming muscle cells to becoming bone cells and every other types of cell needed to make an adult living being. We nurtured this basic life form as nature guided it on its evolutionary path. 

For many billions of years it flourished and matured in the oceans until it swam out of the waters onto the land. It crawled from land up onto the trees, and flew off trees up into the air, until it was found all over the entire earth. Souls in heaven were patiently waiting for suitable brains to evolve on earth so that reincarnation could be meaningfully experienced. 

We used evolved brains to control evolving animals much like a modem is used to control machines remotely. Souls download to brains shortly before birth. They take with them only identification, and leave all memories of past lives behind. It is much like downloading an empty ready to use operating system to a computer. During their experience of life in mortal bodies, souls accumulate data. On death, they return to heaven with their life data to review it, learn from it, and share it. 

One curious creature called “man” evolved. He had the ability to use two upper limbs freely as he was walking on the other lower two. He was able to walk erect and gaze at the stars and wonder at its vastness and meaning. Because of that, he developed a very large brain that necessitated being born premature and needed total support of both parents for the first few years. One parent nourished while the other nurtured. They had many children, formed families, communities, and tribes. 

Man evolved very dexterous fingers to draw, write, play and caress and fight with. And a very flexible tongue to sing and talk with. He evolved a very imaginative mind to use his fingers to make meaningful toys and to use his tongue to say meaningful words. Man had great speaking skills, and could imitate the sounds of all other animals, making very complex sounds with even more complex meanings. Many families developed their own style and sound of speech and could not understand the speech from other families. As man increased in numbers, families grouped into tribes, and the various tribes often spoke different tongues and could not understand each other. Speech united people who spoke the same tongue and divided people who spoke different tongues. Speech allowed knowledge to be shared and accumulated and expanded.

We noticed that while all other animals feared fire and stayed away from it, man was curious and he observed fire and saw that fire like life needed to be fed in order to live and grow. Some men compassionately fed baby fires to keep them alive and to see them grow. Some men tamed fire and domesticated it. They used fire against the cold and the dark and vicious animals. They saw that they could blow life into a dead fire. It fired their imagination and they thought about their own birth, life, and death. 

The power of a wild raging fire awed them. The warmth and light of a tamed fire comforted and protected them. Fire gave them power and hope. Sitting by the warmth of a fire gazing into its dancing flames and looking up into the sky and seeing the stars made them think about god. Fire was like angels of the sun that protected and kept them warm at night. 

Souls in heaven feared that the knowledge of fire would be just as much a curse as a blessing. We envisioned that with fire man could develop technology that could eventually lead to destruction. We foresaw man reach to levels that would destroy nature leading to his extermination, or to independence of it, leading to his immortality. 

Messages were sent down to a few influential men to be aware of knowledge. 

It was like warning children not to play with fire. 

We warned him that if he gets too smart, he will have such a big brain that it will cause great pain in bearing children. We warned man that if he plays with technology he will kill nature and greatly suffer dire consequences. We warned man that eating from the fruits of knowledge will cause him to be like god, and eventually cause him to be separated from us.

Virus, Bacteria, Eukaryote cells, Algae, Amoeba, Sponge

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