Eukaryote cells
4,000,000,000 BC- 1,000,000,000 BC
Virus (4,000,000,000 BC)
Virus (4,000,000,000 BC)
In the beginning was the Word.
10 billion years after the universe was born, hydrogen atoms formed and condensed like rain drops into stars. Stars baked heavier atoms that eventually coalesced into planets. When the planets flooded in oceans of stable molecules, we chose a molecule that was a chain containing 2 different molecules attached to it like beads on a necklace. We used this molecule called DNA to write code for instructions to make different shaped building blocks called proteins. We enveloped the DNA to keep it stable, We made many different shapes of this encased DNA and called them "viruses." The DNA chain was short containing only space for 10-1,000 instructions. We were just like bits of paper much like pages from a cooking book. We could not make copies of ourselves and we were unable to move as we had no way to harness energy from our environment. The only way we moved around was to be blown around by currents of water and air. We were at the edge of “life”. We were like seeds waiting to unite with fertile earth to grow.
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I was the very first life form that ever lived. I was 1,000 larger than a virus and able to use energy from my environment to self-replicate. We reproduce by doubling our DNA and splitting into 2 fragments with each fragment getting a full set of DNA. We grouped together forming colonies of living matter. We were called "bacteria" and had 1,000 times more genes than viruses. We had up to 1,000,000 genes.
While viruses had only a coat of proteins that enclosed their DNA, we had an especially robust coating called a “membrane” to enclose our DNA. This membrane made us very hardy and allowed us to live in all environments no matter how harsh; as long as they supplied us with energy. Some of us could live in radioactive materials and also in the vacuum of space, while others were at home in acidic hot spring in the highest pressures found in the deepest and darkest depths of the oceans.
We had molecular machines called “ribosomes” that were able to read the codes coded by our genes in our DNA and to link amino acids together to form proteins. We reproduced by doubling our DNA and splitting into 2 fragments with each fragment getting a full set of DNA. When we reproduced, we stayed genetically the same. We could only reproduce exact clones of ourselves.
We had a functional part similar to a tail called a “flagella” that we were able to move so that we could move around in our environment. We had molecular machines that were able to use external energy to power us. Some of us lived on the pitch dark ocean floors so deep that the warmth and light of the sun could not reach. We used the heat energy from the molten rocks and the chemicals that were vented out from cracks on our floor bed to replicate.
Others who were not as close to the vents used the chemicals that were provided by eating those of us who lost our grip on the mouths of these life supporting vents and drifted too far away and died. They evolved to eat us and use our decomposing dead organic matter to recycle for their energy source to reproduce. They were called “mitochondria”.
Others were able to float to levels where sunlight penetrated and evolved to use light from the sun as their energy source to keep alive and reproduce. They were called “chloroplasts”.
Some were able to mine the nitrogen from the air which was used by the plants that came millions of years later.
We were so hardy and good at reproducing, that we threatened to eventually cover the entire earth making it impossible for other life forms to evolve. Viruses were the only things that were able to kill us. When viruses were pushed by winds and currents into us, they used our replicating abilities to replicate and eventually they wore us out so much and filled us up with so many baby viruses that we burst and died. This prevented us from overtaking, flooding and suffocating the entire environment, and thus it allowed for other forms of life to evolve. Viruses remained stable as long as they remained within the bacteria they were killing. Once the bacterium with viruses were killed, the viruses were expelled and exposed to the environment. They had only a few hours to be re-absorbed by other living bacteria before they were torn apart by the environment and rendered safe.
We were later called “prokaryote cells” by scientists who studied us, even though we had no cells. We were just well protected and enclosed DNA with capabilities to use energy from our environment.
While viruses had only a coat of proteins that enclosed their DNA, we had an especially robust coating called a “membrane” to enclose our DNA. This membrane made us very hardy and allowed us to live in all environments no matter how harsh; as long as they supplied us with energy. Some of us could live in radioactive materials and also in the vacuum of space, while others were at home in acidic hot spring in the highest pressures found in the deepest and darkest depths of the oceans.
We had molecular machines called “ribosomes” that were able to read the codes coded by our genes in our DNA and to link amino acids together to form proteins. We reproduced by doubling our DNA and splitting into 2 fragments with each fragment getting a full set of DNA. When we reproduced, we stayed genetically the same. We could only reproduce exact clones of ourselves.
We had a functional part similar to a tail called a “flagella” that we were able to move so that we could move around in our environment. We had molecular machines that were able to use external energy to power us. Some of us lived on the pitch dark ocean floors so deep that the warmth and light of the sun could not reach. We used the heat energy from the molten rocks and the chemicals that were vented out from cracks on our floor bed to replicate.
Others who were not as close to the vents used the chemicals that were provided by eating those of us who lost our grip on the mouths of these life supporting vents and drifted too far away and died. They evolved to eat us and use our decomposing dead organic matter to recycle for their energy source to reproduce. They were called “mitochondria”.
Others were able to float to levels where sunlight penetrated and evolved to use light from the sun as their energy source to keep alive and reproduce. They were called “chloroplasts”.
Some were able to mine the nitrogen from the air which was used by the plants that came millions of years later.
We were so hardy and good at reproducing, that we threatened to eventually cover the entire earth making it impossible for other life forms to evolve. Viruses were the only things that were able to kill us. When viruses were pushed by winds and currents into us, they used our replicating abilities to replicate and eventually they wore us out so much and filled us up with so many baby viruses that we burst and died. This prevented us from overtaking, flooding and suffocating the entire environment, and thus it allowed for other forms of life to evolve. Viruses remained stable as long as they remained within the bacteria they were killing. Once the bacterium with viruses were killed, the viruses were expelled and exposed to the environment. They had only a few hours to be re-absorbed by other living bacteria before they were torn apart by the environment and rendered safe.
We were later called “prokaryote cells” by scientists who studied us, even though we had no cells. We were just well protected and enclosed DNA with capabilities to use energy from our environment.
We decided to let the viruses and the bacteria that we created with our written instructions to freely evolve. We became passive observers. We were delighted to see how fast the bacteria multiplied. If it was not for the viruses, the bacteria would have overgrow the entire planet. The bacteria evolved to the point where they defended themselves against the viruses. They built protective infrastructure called cells where they gathered together inside like they were inside a fortification. Over billions of years, the individual cells united to increase their protection and grew and specialized and formed large communities like cities to form plants and animals.
Viruses, the first experiment towards life, and bacteria, the energized update had their code written by the souls who created them. We passively watched viruses and bacteria dance together and evolve together. The constant threat of the viruses made the bacteria evolve to survive.
It was only when an animal called man evolved that souls began to be more than passive observers. Man walked on 2 legs and was able to look up to the sky and to witness its magnificence and ponder and shout out its wonder. He had very little hair which allowed him to cool himself sufficiently while bigger and faster animals eventually over heated to a crawl. His free arms allowed him to throw objects to kill animals, carry them back to his family and make clothes to keep warm.
Man had a very flexible tongue and his words allowed him to share his thoughts and his feelings. Man had very flexible fingers and developed tools to help him thrive in his extremely harsh environment. He eventually tamed fire that protected him from the dark, the cold, and the wild animals. Fire allowed him to cook his food and to share his imaginations with stories in the evenings that fired his brain.
Man had a very flexible tongue and his words allowed him to share his thoughts and his feelings. Man had very flexible fingers and developed tools to help him thrive in his extremely harsh environment. He eventually tamed fire that protected him from the dark, the cold, and the wild animals. Fire allowed him to cook his food and to share his imaginations with stories in the evenings that fired his brain.
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Eukaryote cells (2,500,000,000 BC)
I was 1,000 times bigger than bacteria. I evolved from a bacterium that joined another bacterium and together we built organelles called “Golgi apparatus”. These organelles were molecular machines that produced and stored complex molecules like sugars, and enzymes from simpler molecules. We were like the stomach and liver of the organisms that evolved many millions of years later.
We built ourselves sturdy cell membranes that enveloped both of us like a house. With membranes, we were able to envelope various functional parts within our cell, like rooms in a house. We were finally able to call ourselves “cells”.
All large complex organisms like plants, fungi and animals evolved from us. When we had “mitochondria” bacteria living inside our cells, we were able to extract energy from organic matter and we were called an animal cell. When we had “chloroplast” bacteria, we were able to extract energy from sunlight and we were called a plant cell.
We reproduce by doubling our DNA and splitting into 2 fragments with each fragment getting a full set of DNA. When our DNA doubled, it was shuffled ensuring that the 2 fragments were genetically different from each other. The fragments then developed into mature fully grown individuals that were genetically different from the original organism. We were the originator of sex.
We built ourselves sturdy cell membranes that enveloped both of us like a house. With membranes, we were able to envelope various functional parts within our cell, like rooms in a house. We were finally able to call ourselves “cells”.
All large complex organisms like plants, fungi and animals evolved from us. When we had “mitochondria” bacteria living inside our cells, we were able to extract energy from organic matter and we were called an animal cell. When we had “chloroplast” bacteria, we were able to extract energy from sunlight and we were called a plant cell.
We reproduce by doubling our DNA and splitting into 2 fragments with each fragment getting a full set of DNA. When our DNA doubled, it was shuffled ensuring that the 2 fragments were genetically different from each other. The fragments then developed into mature fully grown individuals that were genetically different from the original organism. We were the originator of sex.
I evolved when Eukaryote plant cells grouped together to form me. I was commonly known as "seaweed". We were the simplest plant, lacking specialized cells and organelles other than “chloroplasts”. We were plants because thanks to the chloroplasts living inside our cells, we were able to convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. We used the chemical energy as fuel to synthesize carbohydrates, such as sugars, from water in the seas and carbon dioxide in the air.
We excreted oxygen as our waste product. Later, we formed a very large and diverse group of simple life forms from unicellular to multi-cellular forms such as the 65m long giant kelps. Some of us reproduced asexually like the prokaryotes to form identical clones. Others had sex to form cells that were all different and unique.
We excreted oxygen as our waste product. Later, we formed a very large and diverse group of simple life forms from unicellular to multi-cellular forms such as the 65m long giant kelps. Some of us reproduced asexually like the prokaryotes to form identical clones. Others had sex to form cells that were all different and unique.
I was born a cell having no definite shape with 100,000,000 genes. We were the simplest animals. Our one and only cell had organelles in the cytoplasm, the gel-like substance enclosed within our cell membrane. We had “mitochondria” to generate our energy for us. We were animal because we couldn't convert sunlight into energy. We had to eat organic materials by sensing them in our environment, moving to it and engulfing it. The food we enveloped was stored and digested in holes within my cell called "vacuoles". We were able to move by forming feet. We did this by throwing out the outer part of our cytoplasm followed by the inner part of our cytoplasm like we were dancing. We reproduced by splitting into 2 fragments. When our DNA doubled it was shuffled ensuring that the 2 fragments were genetically different from each other.
I evolved when eukaryote cells grouped together to form me. I was born a sponge. We were animals because we couldn't get our energy directly from sun light but had to eat food. Yet we could not move. Our motto was “why move when the whole world moves for you”. We were multi-cellular full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through us. We consisted of jelly-like material sandwiched between two thin membranes. We relied on water flowing in our bodies for eating, drinking, breathing, pissing and shitting. We relied on flowing water outside our bodies for moving. Fortunately, despite this very boring existence, we were able to have sex. Some of us released sperms and others released eggs. When the sperms and eggs met, thanks to flowing water, they got fertilized and grew into baby sponges.
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molds, Fungi, Lichens, Land Plant, Tube worm, Oyster
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